Friday, March 6, 2009

Yo no lo puedo evitar

This past week in my clase de espanol, we watched a movie about the Cuban band Buena Vista Social Club. Even though their music sort of makes me want chips and queso (and maybe an illegal cigar), I've decided that I love it. Especially this one song called Chan Chan, which is so absolutely fabulous that it's been repeating on iTunes for the past hour.

The biggest problem with enjoying the music of Cuba is that now I want to visit Cuba, which might be a bit of a challenge. I also want to visit Argentina, Peru, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and maybe even Honduras because of the Hispanic Civ and Culture Since 1870(?) class that I took last semester, and those countries might be more accessible.

I get really excited about my Spanish abilities when I'm in class, and then I get upset when I realize that I might lose what knowledge I have after graduation and I start to reconsider my career path (big surprise). This doesn't happen all of the time, just 99% of it. My love of Spanish coupled with these trying economic times and utterly stagnant technical communication sector have inspired me to add a few more career options to my very short list:
1) Elementary/middle school Spanish teacher - I wouldn't have to speak Spanish fluently, but I'd still get to use it regularly. Unfortunately, I also wouldn't have any contact with English literature or grammar.
2) Middle school English teacher - I'd get to teach most of what I love, but not all of it.
3) ESL teacher - I'd get to beat English grammar into kids while still using Spanish from time to time. This one's sort of a win-win, but also could be the hardest.

All of these would require that I get certified, so in the meantime I'd probably try to get a job at one of the bajillion cakeries in my hometown. Or I could just declare a second major in Spanish real quick before I'm forced into the real world. Dios mio, quien sabe.


Allie said...

Kind of random, but what about a English-Spanish (or vice versa) book translator? Grammar love + Spanish! Muy bien! :)

loveisallaround said...

Those are great ideas :-) You can always teach high school ;-) That way you can work with me!!