Friday, April 17, 2009

Food and Link

Readers, it's time I changed my eating habits. According to pretty much all of the diet literature that I've read, the ideal way to navigate a grocery store is by shopping on the outside edges and staying the heck out of the middle aisles. Why? Because every. single. grocery. store. period. puts their fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy along the outside edge and stocks all the processed stuff in the middle and it's so much more food pyramid friendly to eat the outside things. And since I recently discovered that eating junk (ie: granola bars and cereal) just makes me even hungrier, I've decided to limit my shopping to the outside edges (for the most part). The few exceptions are high-fiber tortillas, canned and frozen vegetables, and herbs and spices. Thankfully, all of the ingredients for the black bean salad that I've been craving for the past week fall within those boundaries.

In unrelated news, the job hunting process is terribly tiresome. I used to be so in love with my major, so excited about my career choice, and so proud of my GPA, but now I'm feeling dumb and worthless because I can't find employment. And oh yeah, going through two portions of a very lengthy interview process and then calling to set up a time to complete the third portion only to be told that (WOOPS!) I was unqualified wasn't any fun either. But then I found this while I was reading my favorite blog whose author is super successful and pretty much my idol:
"After graduating college with a degree in English and enough of a GPA to have the terribly misleading phrase 'cum laude' stamped on the diploma, I used my impressive four-year education to land a job taking phone reservations for Delta Airlines."
And suddenly I'm not the only cum laude English major who's fumbling into the job market. Thanks, Dooce!


loveisallaround said...

That sucks about the job!!! I know how that is, I found out I am not qualified for high school english resource because I also have to certified in english... which of course A&M didn't tell me. But I am looking at elementary positions now and I am qualified for that so I feel a little better. ANYWAYS... didn't mean to talk about me.. you are going to do great, I know it's hard out there, trust me, but we will end up wherever God wants us to be. :-)

-Jennifer A