Thursday, August 13, 2009

Feeling kinda...

I have two fairly picture-heavy posts planned, but this is not one of them. A couple of weekends ago my brother came home from school and ate ALL of my Fruity Pebbles behind my back, so you can imagine my disappointment when I went to the cereal cabinet the following Monday and found only Rice Krispies (tasty with a side of Sweet 'N Low, mind you, but only when you're not expecting rice cereal sweetened with the real thing). Trey's home from school now, so yesterday my mom and I bought him Yogurt Fruit Loops. You know, in case he's not hungry for frozen blueberry waffles in the morning. Poor boys with their fast metabolisms and their various tasty breakfast options. That's me standing at the counter with my strawberry yogurt (and a banana if I'm really going crazy), thanks.

ANYWAY. I was standing in the kitchen just now, eating fistfuls of Trey's new cereal right out of the box and watching the Cowboys' game, when it occurred to me to mention how desperately I miss football during the spring and summer months that are plagued by ok sports and boring sports, respectively. That is to say, basketball's nicely paced and pretty fun once The Finals start and games get consequential, but baseball, oh baseball...

Look, I like apple pie and and Thanksgiving and corn dogs and democracy just as much as the next schmo, but the fascination with America's pastime is completely lost on me. Maybe I could get into baseball if the games were shorter (waaay shorter) and more infrequent. Maybe I'd like it a little better if more exciting and unexpected things happened. I mean in the time it'd take to throw two balls, two strikes, and get a man on first, the Mavs could have scored ten points and Romo could have thrown a touchdown pass and followed it up with two extra points (well, as long as we're not talking about the post season). Maybe I'd watch it if more people banged into each other and broke bones. Who knows.

But hey, if baseball's your bag far be it from me to suggest that you should not watch it. Perhaps you are just able to find joy in it where I cannot. And at least you have something to cheer about during the summer. It's just, do you know what I cheer about during the summer? The promise of football Sundays in the fall.