Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When September hit I was super excited, mostly because it meant that fall was upon us and I thought that meant "GREAT! Bridal magazines will be fall-themed and I can scoop up truck loads of them from now until December of this year and next!" WRONG. The only themes in bridal magazines are "How to Serve Lobster Bisque and Prime Rib for $2 a Head" (shot glasses and toothpicks, folks) and "The Dress You've Always Wanted Might Just Be At Your Neighborhood Walmart." I was disappointed for about two seconds and then I remembered that I eat that sort of information up regardless of the weather, so I picked up my first bridal (Modern Bride) and dug in. Big freaking mistake.

Now all I want to do is wedding plan, wedding plan, try to get Sean to tell me when he's planning on proposing (don't worry that I'm ruining the moment--I could beat Sean with a red-hot poker and he still wouldn't talk). I'm so possessed that I spent an hour browsing wedding blogs today and ended up with three new subscriptions on Google Reader. And while I was scanning the blogs to decide which ones were worth reading regularly, I saw this: "For those of you planning a Fall wedding, get your behinds to your local magazine racks. September is prime Fall decorating time with the major shelter magazines: Martha, Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Southern Living, etc., who nearly always have fun, unique, and gorgeous ideas for centerpieces, favors/treats and decor." Well thanks A LOT,, for adding even more fuel to the fire.


missdixiebelle said...

better get them while you can because modern bride and elegant bride have folded!

Sarah W. said...

No! Guess I won't be subscribing to that one...