Do you know what's special about today? I mean other than the fact that it's Friday (which is, let's admit, the most specialist day of all)? No? On this day in 2008, Sean and I became a happy couple. That's right, we've been mooning over each other (and only very rarely making each other crazy) for two whole years! To celebrate this joyous occasion, Sean's buying his and hers bottles of wine (Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, respectively) I'm buying complementary cheeses (Edam, Jarlsberg, and Gruyere, respectively), and we're going to watch Sideways and overindulge in his living room.
"Whoa-ho-ho," say you, "Really going all out, eh? Taking the celebration to the next level?" To which I reply, "Have you watched Sideways? It's spectacular. Have you imbibed a glass of Chardonnay with a side of rich dairy? It's delicious. Have you seen the engagement ring I want? It's gorgeous."
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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