Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All you need is...

I may have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: I freaking love Martha Stewart. I could spend hours, nay, days, browsing her website and marveling at her artsy fartsy genius. Sure, people say she's a terror to work with and a snob to boot, but I have nothing but affection for the lady who convinced me to spend $30 on delicious Christmas Mac ("Crack") and Cheese, who can make scented ornaments out of cookie dough and glitter, and who called boorish Rachael Ray out for being, well, boorish. I love that she puts so much effort into the tinniest and most insignificant details of decorating, cooking, and gifting, and if I had time I would totally make enough Heart-Covered Waxed Paper to wrap batches of heart rosettes for every single person in Sean's office. (They're having food day on Friday, you see. For Valentine's Day, natch.)

Like Ms. Martha, Valentine's Day is also quite the divisive issue. You either love it or you think it is A) An excuse to sell greeting cards, B) A cliche that tortures singletons, C) A single day for expressing all the sentiments that should be shared every day, or D) All of the above. As it happens, I freaking love Valentine's Day as well. Maybe it's because I'm hopelessly idealistic and romantic, maybe it's because I like teddy bears and hearts AND CHOCOLATE, maybe it's because my aura is pink and lacy. I can't really explain it, it simply has always been. I loved it in grade school when I was perpetually (and unhappily) single; I love it now even though Sean and I hardly celebrate since it falls two weeks and a half weeks after our anniversary.

Also, the movie that's coming out on Friday? I've totally been counting down to it since November. The previews don't necessarily have me convulsing with laughter or tearing up with emotion, but rather they inspire thoughts like "Bradley Cooper is beautiful!" "Ashton Kutcher's hydrangea and rose arrangement is lovely!" "Anne Hathaway is my favorite!" and, of course, "I freaking love ensemble casts!" Mazel tov!