Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Year of the Dragon

High school was...not my favorite. But, unlike so many who just. barely. survived. it., I didn't think it was all together awful. So come, let's take a trip together down memory lane.

1. Did you date someone from your school? I did not.
2. Did you marry someone from your high school? No, thank goodness. I had horrible taste in high school.
3. Did you car pool to school? My mom drove me before I turned 16, then I drove myself. I drove friends home on occasion...
4. What kind of car did you have? 1999 Silver Honda CR-V
5. What kind of car do you have now? 1999 Silver Honda CR-V :)
6. It's Friday night...where are you now? Watching Netflix and drinking wine with my love.
7. It's Friday night...where were you then? Definitely not drinking, HEAVEN FORBID!
8. What kind of job did you have in high school? I worked at an ice cream shop when I was a junior. The experience turned me off of real jobs for four years. I mostly babysat to raise funds in the interim.
9. What kind of job do you do now? Manager of Social Marketing for a web development company.
10. Were you a party animal? HEAVEN FORBID!
11. Were you considered a flirt? I don't think so. I was just hopelessly boy crazy.
12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I was in choir until my senior year.
13. Were you a nerd? I suuuure did love making them good grades. And being named Student of the Month was one of the highlights of my high school experience.
14. Did you get suspended or expelled? HEAVEN FORBID!
15. Can you sing the fight song? "On you Dragons, on you Dragons, on to victory. We will win this game tonight because we're full of FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!"
16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? Marsha Gray, Lady AP US History; Kathy Prado, Dame Pre-AP English I; Brazofuerte, Senora Spanish I&II
17. Where did you sit during lunch? Umm...in the cafeteria?
18. What was your school's full name? Carroll Senior High School
19. When did you graduate? 2005
20. What was your school mascot? Dragons
21. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Meh, I suppose so, as long as it meant I got to do college again, too!
22. Did you have fun at Prom? Oh, I skipped that blessed event and ate Ben and Jerry's instead.
23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? Ben, Jerry, and I are still friendly, though not as close as we once were.
24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? Nope, I keep up with all the important people on Facebook.
25. Do you still talk to people from school? Some people, yes.
26. School colors? Green, black, and white.
27. What celebrities came from your high school? Garrett Hartley and Chase Daniel of New Orleans Saints fame, and Greg McElroy, who just led the Crimson Tide to victory over the Texas Longhorns and his former Southlake Carroll teammate Tre Newton. (My high school was sort of known for its football team.)
28. What is your fondest memory of your senior year? Getting accepted to A&M and graduating with 32 hours of college credit (I sincerely regret that. Also, see #13).

[Not technically my senior year, but I couldn't resist.]

[I looked sort of drunk on the first day of my senior year, HEAVEN FORBID!]

[This is me, and that is my senior homecoming date.]

[Christmas card 2004.]

[Graduation day, hooray!]


the clark family. said...

You're a cutie-patootie.

I think we were of similar minds about high school.
But I wouldn't go back. No thank you, not a bit of THAT mess again. No, not even for the joy of buying prom dresses again.

Wedding dresses are like fifty bajillion times more fun to shop for anyway ;) *wink wink*