Friday, April 3, 2009

Girls! Girls! Girls!

Earlier in the week Sean lamented the fact that I hadn't updated my blog since before Spring Break, and to be completely honest I've been sort of lonely without the old thing. So here's a bone for both me and for you, dear readers:

Generation Diva: How our obsession with beauty is changing our kids.
This article is sort of long, but I gawked at it on Tuesday and have just been waiting around for the opportunity to share it here. Since I'm leaving for home sweet home in about 30 minutes, I don't have too much time to expound on how troubling it is to me, but I'll share some quick thoughts.

"According to a 2004 study by the Dove Real Beauty campaign, 42 percent of first- to third-grade girls want to be thinner, while 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of getting fat."
I became extremely body conscious when I was a chubby third grader and it's been very hard to shake. The fear that your weight might make you somehow less of a person is absolutely terrible to deal with, and it's something I hope my maybe future daughter(s) NEVER to have to face.

"According to market-research firm Experian, 43 percent of 6- to 9-year-olds are already using lipstick or lip gloss; 38 percent use hairstyling products; and 12 percent use other cosmetics."
I didn't start wearing makeup until I was in high school, and I'd be appalled and disgusted if I saw a 9-year-old strutting around in mascara and blush. I'd die if my maybe future daughter(s) asked me to buy them these products before they were in high school (lipgloss and hair products not withstanding).

I feel like my maybe future tween daughter(s) won't be like the little bite-sized hookers mentioned in the article because they'll have evil, down-to-earth parents who would respond to their 9-year-old's request for red lipstick thusly: "BAHAHAHAHA!"


Allie said...

Last time I was in CS, I went to play disc golf with Matt and some of his friends. One of his friends received a text message from someone he didn't know, and upon further inquiry, we found out it was a 9-year-old girl. I was appalled that parents are crazy/stupid enough to give their 9-year-olds cell phones, let alone let them text! What is the world coming to?!

the clark family. said...

I agree with you! (Which is one small reason I'm glad that baby #1 is a boy, so I can work kinks out there first.) I think the only cosmetic I will allow pre-high school is concealer- and maybe a bit of powder...and Lip Smackers!

(also, I'd LOVE to hear what you think he baby's name is!)