Rather than prepare, I've spent the better part of the morning perusing a new blog I found on Sunday. Blogs are like my New York Times, but I generally don't read them unless I know the writer personally (Dooce.com notwithstanding) and I feel like this new blog is one of those that people start for their family and friends after they get married, so reading it makes me feel a little nosy. Nevertheless, the people have outstanding style, they shop at Target and Forever 21, the woman is a graphic designer, they have a cat, and they live in Oklahoma so we're sort of neighbors anyway. I cannot help myself.
I was so inspired after reading their "What We're Wearing Tuesday April 28" post that I clicked over to Target.com to do a little virtual window shopping. And I found some really adorable clothes in colors other than black and brown (turns out that my mom's limited style color palette was genetic, but I'm trying to fight it as best I can). The only problem with Target is that I can never find any of their cute stuff in the store and I'm terrified of buying clothes online. Bummer.

At least one member of the family got a new fashion accessory this weekend: Miss Layla is notorious for destroying collars--she's been through two since I adopted her a year and a half ago--so while Sean and I were out this weekend I picked up a new leather one for her that will (hopefully) be more durable than the cloth ones of yore:

After I put it on her, Sean told her she looked very Tiffany's. Layla's a little too rough and tumble for Tiffany's, but she's cursed with a prissy momma who likes the color and the rhinestones, poor dear.
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