- My career as a Spanish student officially ended today. This weekend I'll start packing my stuff so that I can pass the ol' one bedroom/one bath on to baby brother. Someone asked me today how I was feeling about graduation and honestly? I think I've been too busy to think about it. It might sink in more next Friday when I'm finally done with EVERYTHING.
- I get to decorate TWO cakes next week! One's part of the final for my rhetoric class, and in keeping with the spirit of the class, it's going to be weird as hell. The other is for my mommy and grandmommies for Mother's Day, and it's likely to be the most elegant cake I've ever made. Ah, my fingers are already itching to hold a piping bag!
- I'm going to see Death Cab in Austin tomorrow (HOORAY!) and it'll be the first concert that I share with Sir Music Snob! It'll also be the first concert I've been to since becoming an old lady, but since the most intense song in the Death Cab collection is Bixby Canyon Bridge, I think my sensitive ears will be ok. When I asked Sean what he was going to wear and he just sort of shrugged and muttered something about a long drive, being comfortable, and a t-shirt and jeans. I, on the other hand, am going to Target to (hopefully!) find a dress that suits the genre.
- On our way to Texarkana last weekend, Sean and I started reminiscing about The O.C.: "Remember Marisa's mom?" "Oh YEAH! She was a bitch!" "Yeah! Remember when she married Charles Widmore for his money and was planning on killing him but changed her mind at the last minute and then he had a heart attack and died anyway?"
Since we both only watched two of the four seasons, we've decided to revisit all of the Newport heartache and melodrama with The O.C. on DVD. We watched the pilot last night and guys, high schoolers were drinking vodka! And wearing expensive clothes! And doing lines of coke at the beach house! This is gonna be good.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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