Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cat fancy

When I announced my new Canon Digital Rebel on this site after Christmas, I believe I referred to it as just another device that I would use to harass my cat. Yup. Here are some of my favorite results from an impromptu torture session that I held this afternoon instead of working on finals materials:

I call this one Cat Under Dust Ruffle, and no, it doesn't make any sense to me, either. But hey, who ever heard of adopting a cat for its predictability?

Layla climbed in the window as I was fussing over the potted catnip (left) and I snapped this picture of her semi-silhouette behind the brown sheer curtains. I think it's sort of a soft and pretty accident.

I adore this picture! Mama's little nerd is posed between a book, a laptop, and an external hard drive and she looks like she's deep in thought (ha!). Look for this to inspire a new layout just as soon as I get tired of the old one.

Earlier this afternoon Sean was teasing me about how we just might not get another cat once Layla kicks it, but seeing as I've already picked out names for the next two and I'm obviously such an enthusiastic cat owner, Sean might have to reconsider his stance. Or his girlfriend.